Well, the last 2 days have flown by. Yesterday I met up with my cousin who I haven't seen in almost 3 years. I can't believe it could actually be that long since I saw her last. We had a nice talk over a 2-1/2 hour lunch. It was so good to meet face to face. She is very intuitive and has this inner peace about her. I just felt so good when I left the restaurant. So good, that I stopped at Walmart and got everything on 'list' so Hubby wouldn't need to do it. I even got a new feeder for my Hummingbirds and made chocolate chip cookies last night for Hubby. If you needed anything from me yesterday, that would have been the day to ask, too late now.
Today I was out of bed at 6:30 and got my walking knocked out first thing, it was 54 degrees, loved it! I decided to vacuum and replace the protective plastic we have on the stairs. Since the carpet is new, we put plastic on the stairs and traffic areas to keep it clean since we have people coming to see the house. I know, it's a little over the top, but it's not like I have plastic on my couch too. I don't even have a couch.
If you want a good work out, cover your stairs in plastic. It's like packing tape, except the roll is 24" wide and you really need to have a game plan before you start to make sure it is straight and totally in the cracks of the steps. There are a lot of do overs, pulling it up, realigning, putting it back (great upper body work out!) There is really no way another person can help you with it either. The task itself is not hard, but causes you to generate a great deal of sweat and a few swear words along the way. But it looks great when it's done!
When I got out of the shower I decided to do all the laundry, including towels and bedding. I guess I was feeling ambitious since it is very cool and windy here and the temperature is in the 60s. Perfect baking weather, which by the way, tempted me to bake something. We were having spaghetti and meatballs for dinner so I thought I would make some crusty Italian bread to go with it. Here is the recipe and my pictures.
Raising for the second time on the back of a cake pan
Final Product!
It turned out great and very crusty on top. If you read the recipe and instructions prior to the recipe that you can print at the bottom, there are differences, so beware. I used the instructions, not the printed one. I baked mine of the back of a cake pan as shown in the recipe with a cup of water in a pie tin on the bottom rack.
Now I'm off the fold the last dryer load of towels. I am taking tomorrow off and photographing hummingbirds. Have a great night and thanks for reading.
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