Sunday, April 13, 2014

One more to 54

Happy Palm Sunday, one more week left in Lent. I haven't felt like writing in this  blog at all. I was actually debating on whether I wanted to continue it or not, but after looking through my posts, however boring some of them are, I think it is a good record of my journey so I am glad I started it.
Well yesterday was my Birthday, one more year added to the odometer to bring it up to 54. You are only as old (or young) as you feel, right? In that case, I guess I'm doing good because I feel great as well as very blessed. You just wonder sometimes how all those years passed so quickly.
Hubby and I went shopping for some Cowboy boots for my Birthday yesterday. I hate clothes and shoe shopping because I am so hard to fit. We went to 3 stores before I finally found the pair. I say "the" pair because it was the only pair that I tried on that fit and I love them, so it was meant to be. When we got home I kicked back with a glass of wine and did nothing the rest of the night.
Hubby grilled Nilgai, yams and asparagus for dinner with Cheesecake for dessert. Everything was delicious. The Nilgai is Asian Antelope also know as Blue Bull and tasted like beef. It is a very lean meat and very tender.
I received my cookie stamps and cookie cutters yesterday and I am very pleased with them. They are actually a gift from my sister. She sent me an Amazon card for my Birthday and I used it to purchase these. I think I will make cookies for Easter with the cookie cutters since they are so Spring themed. I am planning on dying the dough different colors to see how that turns out. I hope I am not inviting disaster into my  life by attempting that. Whether they turn out or not, I will post pictures along with a 'what not to do' list if they don't turn out well. Experimenting is so exciting, isn't it?

I think these stamps are a great way to add design to normal everyday cookies and it will look like you put a lot of time into them. I am sure I will discover other uses for them too.  

It was a great day all in all and the weather was perfect, 70 and sunny.

Thanks for reading and have a great day!

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