Friday, March 7, 2014

TGIF & Ahi Tuna

TGIF! No post yesterday, but I did my exercising and we made a Costco run (Costco=$$$). I love Costco, but we can never get out of that place without spending a butt load of money, but they do have such good deals.  
Last night we went to the beach and cooked burgers and hot dogs for 10 kids from the youth crisis center and their sponsors. We had a huge campfire and did s'mores. The kids had a great time, it was good to see smiles on their faces. They have a fun filled weekend planned for them, it's going to be awesome. I was planning on posting last night when we got home but after reading a friends sweet emotional post, my vision was severely blurred. As I get older, the more emotional I get over things. 
Today I actually JOGGED for 20 minutes on the Wii. I was shocked that I lasted that long because I walk only, I don't run or jog unless something is chasing me. Maybe this is the start to a running phase, then it'll be a 5K then an half marathon, then full...NOT!
The highlight to my day so far was the repairman that came to look at the dishwasher that has been broken since August (don't ask) and fixed it right away - woo hoo! I don't mind doing dishes since it's only the 2 of us, but when you have to do dishes every day it gets old quick, especially when you have a dishwasher sitting there that could be fixed. So now I am very appreciative and of course over the top happy. Maybe now I'll start baking again and dirtying all those dishes that I have been trying to keep to a minimum :)
Since it's Friday, and Lent, we are having seared Ahi Tuna that we picked up at Costco. I think I'll make rice and a salad to go with it, it's going to be fantastic.
Tip of the day: Before I showered yesterday, I sprayed my callused feet with Hydrogen Peroxide really good and sat there for about a minute or two. I did my shower and buffed my feet last and I swear the pumice stone removed a lot more stuff than normal and today my feet are a lot smoother and less dry than they normally are. Try it.
I hope you are having a great day so far!

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